Suzanchi K, Moloudi J, Hojabr M A, Dehghan Shoar N. Identifying drivers affecting the future of green spaces in Tehran. Urban Design Discourse a Review of Contemporary Litreatures and Theories 2024; 5 (2) :97-115
1- Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Architecture (& Landscape Architecture)Faculty of Art and ArchitectureTarbiat Modares University (T.M.U.) ,
2- Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
3- researcher
Abstract: (970 Views)
Goals: The emergence of new issues in various economic, social and political fields, physical and environmental issues in cities, forces urban management to respond effectively and actively. Extensive developments in the Tehran metropolis have led to more attention to urban green space as green infrastructure , and planning for managing the development and protection of urban green areas has been put on the agenda. Therefore, the development policy of this field or use in the future has been in the focus of attention. Therefore, with the aim of identifying the driving forces affecting the future of Tehran's green spaces, this research tries to take an effective step in this direction by using the intellectual base of future research and foresight.
Methods: This study is analytical and exploratory in nature and uses the environmental scanning method based on the STEEP model, document study, holding brainstorming sessions and distributing questionnaires among experts and elites.
Findings: In this research, 32driving forces affecting the future of Tehran's green space in 6 categories, including 3 driving forces in the technological field, 6 driving forces in the demographic and social field, 8 driving forces in the environmental field, 6 driving forces in the economic field, 4driving forces in the political-institutional field and 5 drivers were identified in the field of physical and urban development.
Conclusion: The results of this research show that the environmental, economic and demographic and social axes have a more effective role in the future of the green space of Tehran.
Article Type:
Qualitative Research |
Environment and Urban Climate Received: 2023/06/5 | Accepted: 2023/11/27 | Published: 2024/08/31