Volume 4, Issue 2 (2023)                   2023, 4(2): 91-119 | Back to browse issues page

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jalilisadrabad S, Norouzi pour Firooz M. The Universal design of public spaces for disabled people on Enghelab Street (between Ferdowsi Square and Tehran Welfare Organization). Urban Design Discourse a Review of Contemporary Litreatures and Theories 2023; 4 (2) :91-119
URL: http://udd.modares.ac.ir/article-40-65442-en.html
1- Assistant Professor of Regional and Urban Planning, School of Architecture & Environmental Design, University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran , s_jalili@iust.ac.ir
2- M.A. in Regional Planning, School of Architecture & Environmental Design, University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract:   (1923 Views)
Aims: Urban space is one of the main places for people's social interactions, which includes squares, streets, accesses, etc. these spaces require a comprehensive design that means comfortable and easy to use for all people with physical and mobility limitations. A significant part of the citizens are people with disabilities, so special attention should be paid to addressing their needs and problems in the city. People with disabilities include Persons with physical, mental, sensory, and internal disabilities, pregnant women, children, and the elderlyIn this regard, the purpose of this article is to identify the physical problems of people with disabilities in the study area and evaluate them for the presence of people with disabilities.
Methods: after recognizing the current situation by studying library resources, by conducting a field survey, it has been analyzed by SWOT method and Wizard scenario. After prioritizing the developed strategies, executive solutions have been designed. 
Finding and Conclusion: The results obtained from this study show that one of the most aim problems in the target axis is the lack of adaptation of furniture for the use of people with disabilities, lack of proper flooring, lack of adaptation of transportation stations. Appeared. Also, performing solutions such as adapting service uses, adapting transportation stations, standard flooring for all types of low-power groups, locating suitable urban furniture, designing urban furniture for the use of all citizens, and creating sensory and audio panels to adapt spaces. A city helps for the presence of people with disabilities.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Quality of Urban Public Spaces
Received: 2022/11/14 | Accepted: 2023/02/6 | Published: 2023/09/1

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