Volume 4, Issue 3 (2023)                   2023, 4(3): 33-51 | Back to browse issues page

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bakhshandeh R, afzali K, Almasi M H. Theoretical Recognition of the Position and Dimensions of the Bicycle in New Theories of Urbanism. Urban Design Discourse a Review of Contemporary Litreatures and Theories 2023; 4 (3) :33-51
URL: http://udd.modares.ac.ir/article-40-65185-en.html
1- PhD Candidate, Department of Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch, Kerman, Iran
2- Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch, Kerman, Iran , Kkafzali1@gmail.com
3- Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan Branch, Gorgan, Iran
Abstract:   (2437 Views)
Background: Bicycle is one of the most important Types of non-motorized travel and one of the most important components of the clean urban transportation system. The paradigm shifts on and clean modes of travel have affected approaches to transportation and traffic engineering and also concepts of modern theories of this urbanism which is needs to scientific study. Furthermore, Despite the high position of the bicycle in the transportation aspects of cities, until now urban studies in the field of bicycles have been more practical, and theoretical approaches and theoretical insights have not been studied on the bicycle in a centralized and coherent way among the theories of urban development and urbanism.
Aims: The aim of this research is to read theoretically and qualitatively the position and dimensions of the bicycle in modern theories of urban planning as a form of range on new concepts and approaches, movements, intellectual movements; With the help of two angles, the general knowledge of the theories and the specific knowledge of the theories from the perspective of the position and place of the bicycle in the theories.
Methodology: The research approach of this study is qualitatively, based on documentary research and library studies and for Theoretical recognition of the position and dimensions of the bicycle in new theories of urbanism; it has used fourteen theories as a form of concepts, approach, movements, or intellectual movement in two formats of general reading and special readings.
Findings: The findings of the research indicate the perceptible cognitive capacities in the direction of positioning the bicycle directly or indirectly under the desired patterns of bicycle deployment in each of these fourteen theories. Furthermore, there are complementary polygonal tools supporting bicycle deployment and different dominant scientific views have been applied in each one.
 Conclusion: Positioning the bicycle among a wide range of concepts, charters and modern intellectual movements of urbanism is possible and, in this way, some of the noticeable theoretical gaps in this field have been filled.
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Article Type: Qualitative Research | Subject: Urban Mobility
Received: 2022/11/3 | Accepted: 2023/02/12 | Published: 2023/12/1

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