Molaei A. Identity Dimension and Indicators of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tabriz School (Case Study: Tabriz Historic Bazaar). Urban Design Discourse a Review of Contemporary Litreatures and Theories 2024; 5 (4) :1-17
Associate Professor of Urbanism, Faculty Member of Tabriz Islamic Art University,Tabriz,Iran. ,
Abstract: (319 Views)
Aim: The purpose of this article is to extract the components and indicators of Tabriz school of architecture and urban planning with an emphasis on the historical market of Tabriz.
Methods: This research was carried out with the research method of text content analysis and field survey and methods of library and documentary search, observation and photography.
Findings: The school of Tabriz can be found in the ancient history of Tabriz, various arts, historical buildings and spaces, nature and gardens of Tabriz, authentic neighborhoods and passages, the market and its ancient social and cultural aspects, its authentic goods and foods. did This city, which is the birthplace of artists, merchants, scholars and politicians, and many tangible and intangible events and works, the sum of which can express an original school in architecture, urban planning and painting. Tabriz market is one of the pillars of the identity of this city, which is a collection of rows and timchehs and palaces with valuable urban architecture and design representing the economic, social, and native architecture foundations. This complex has a stable economic life due to being on the international silk trade route, a special social and cultural cohesion that is considered a social capital, and the secrets of urban planning and design that can be relearned for the current state of cities.
Conclusion: Unlike the markets of Tehran, Isfahan, Kashan, which have a linear structure with fewer branches, the market of Tabriz is a network consisting of rows and nodes in the form of teams, timcheh, sera, and mosque and with many branches. It continues to exist as an efficient system in economic, social, climatic dimensions and with a high diversity of activities and economy with a complex order. A deep understanding of the identity-building aspects of Tabriz market in different cultural, economic, social, functional, physical, natural and landscape dimensions can help to protect it in the current and future situation.
Article Type:
Original Research |
Urban Design Theories Received: 2023/01/22 | Accepted: 2024/05/31 | Published: 2024/11/30